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3. Class Documentation

Each class contains instance variables and instance methods. Some of these variables and methods are available for customization, some are internal to the classes themselves. All are documented, but tampering with internal variables and methods is not supported. Internal interfaces are subject to change without notice from one version of the library to another.

3.1 DB_Sql

DB_Sql is used by Session and Auth to access a SQL database. You are encouraged to use it directly, too.

Instance variables

Host Parameter to mysql_pconnect.
Database Parameter to mysql_pconnect.
User Parameter to mysql_pconnect.
Password Parameter to mysql_pconnect.
Record Hash of the current table result row.
Row Number of the current result row starting at 0.
Errno Integer: error number of last database operation.
Error String: error message of last database operation.
Accessible instance variables.

Link_ID SQL Link ID.
Query_ID SQL Result ID.
Internal instance variables.

Instance methods

Accessible instance methods


query_string is a SQL statement that is sent to the database. After sending the statement, Error and Errno are updated. If the query is syntactically incorrect (no valid result id is being produced), halt() is called with a meaningful error message.

If there is no active link to the database, a pconnect() is made using the information from the Host, Database, User and Password instance variables.

Returns the result of the query() statement, which is guaranteed to be a valid result id.


next_record() advances the cursor through the current query result and updates the Record, Row, Errno and Error instance variables.

Returns true, if there is a new result record. Returns false, if done with the current results. free_result() is called automatically before false is returned.


Positions the Row pointer within the result set. Useful for reading the same result set twice or otherwise jumping around within the result. $pos is not checked in any way for validity.


$table is a SQL table name in the current database. The function returns a hash indexed by table (table of which this column is part of), name (name of this column), type (column data type), len (column width) and flags (database specific column flags, if applicable) with one row per table column. Each row describes a column in your table.

NOTE: At the moment, the Postgres and ODBC interface only report the table, name and type data reliably. You are encouraged to fix this.

num_rows(), nf()

Returns the number of rows returned by the current SELECT query.


Returns the number of rows affected by the current INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query.


Returns the number of columns returned by the current query.


Prints the number of rows returned by the current query.


Identical to accessing Record[$field].


Identical to printing Record[$field].


Used by query() if the initial database connection cannot be made or the target database does not exist. Prints an error message, then halts Script execution.


Use a subclass to provide the appropriate parameters for a database connect. You may overwrite halt() to customize the error message, although a sensible default is provided.

class DB_Article extends DB_Sql {
  var $classname = "DB_Article";

  var $Host     = "";
  var $Database = "shop_project";
  var $User     = "webuser";
  var $Password = "";

  function halt($msg) {
    printf("</td></table><b>Database error:</b> %s<br>\n", $msg);
    printf("<b>MySQL Error</b>: %s (%s)<br>\n",
      $this->Errno, $this->Error);
    printf("Please contact and report the ");
    printf("exact error message.<br>\n");
    die("Session halted.");

Use an instance of the subclass to manage your queries:

$q = new DB_Article;

$query = sprintf("select * from articles where article like '%%%s%%'",

while($q->next_record()) {

3.2 Page Management

Accessible Functions

Page Management currently consists a collection of functions:

page_open(array("feature" => "classname"))

This function is to be called with an array of page features/classname pairs. Valid features are at the moment:


This page makes use of session variables.


This page uses session authentication. If you specify the auth feature, you MUST specify the sess feature, also.


This page is protected by permissions and only accessible to authenticated users with matching rights. If you specify the perm feature, you MUST specify the auth and sess features, also.


This page makes use of user variables. If you specify the user feature, you MUST specify the auth and sess features, also.


This page uses a shopping cart. If you specify the cart feature, you MUST specify the sess feature, also.

Each feature specifies the name of the class that implements that feature, for example

  page_open(array("sess" => "Shop_Session", "cart" => "Shop_Cart"));

The function creates an instance of Shop_Session as $sess and of Shop_Cart as $cart and initializes them. It also checks feature dependencies. Note that you are expected to provide implementations of the classes Shop_Session and Shop_Cart. This is usually done in and usually you do so by extending the provided Session and Cart classes.

Examples on how to do this is given in the documentation below when the classes are introduced.


At the end of your page (after all results have been calculated) you have to call page_close(). This will save all page state, session and user variables into database. Changes to session or user variables after page_close() has been called are not recorded. Currently it is allowed to call page_close() multiple times on a single page (not guranteed for future versions!). Each time session state will be saved.

sess_load(array("var" => "classname")

Advanced feature. Some applications have need to manually load data belonging to one or multiple session classes. @@TODO

sess_save(array("var" => "classname"))

Advanced feature. @@TODO


  page_open(array("sess" => "Shop_Session"));
  $sess->register("s");  // See "Session" below for explaination.
<h1><?php print ++$s ?></h1>
<?php page_close(); ?>

3.3 Session

The session class keeps a list of global variable names and provides a set of functions to load and save these variables from and to a database. The named variables may be scalar variables (strings, integers and floats) or arrays. Objects are handled as well, provided they implement two instance variables naming their class and enumerating their (persistent) slots.

Instance variables

classname Serialization helper: The name of this class.
mode Mode of Session ID propagation. Either cookie or get.
fallback_mode Mode of Session ID propagation should $mode not work. Set $mode to cookie and $fallback_mode to get.
lifetime Lifetime of the session cookie in minutes or 0 to use session cookies.
gc_time Garbage collection tuning parameter, see below.
gc_probability Garbage collection tuning parameter, see below.
database_class A classname. Session uses this class to make its database connection.
database_table Database table used to keep the session variables.
Accessible instance variables.

pt Internal array of names of persistent variables.
name A tag (name) for the session type.
id Id of the current session.
db Database connection object instance.
Internal instance variables.

Instance methods

Accessible instance methods


Registers a global variable name as a session variable. The name may identify a scalar variable, an array or an object. If an object is to be made persistent, it must have two instance variables:


A string with the name of the objects class.


An array with the names of all object slots to save.


Unregisters a global variable name as a session variable. The variable is not deleted, but its value will be lost at the end of a page. It is no longer saved to the database.


Return an URL referencing the current session. If in get mode, the current session id is attached to this URL, else the URL is returned unmodified.


A shorthand for print $this->url($url);


Return an URL referencing the current page, including PHP_SELF and QUERY_STRING information. If in get mode, the session id is included.


A shorthand for print $this->self_url().


When a FORM variable is made persistent, that form variable is imported into PHP, then page_open() is being called and the new variable value is overwritten from the database. The FORM value is lost.

If you had enabled track_vars and were accessing HTTP_GET_VARS directly, which is recommended, this were not a problem. Some legacy scripts rely on persistent FORM input variables, though.

These scripts may call the appropriate reimport_x_vars() functions. These functions will re-read the tracked variable arrays and reinitialize the appropriate global variables after session variables have been restored.

Use of this function is discouraged.


See reimport_get_vars().


See reimport_get_vars().

Internal instance methods


See get_id().


get_id() is used internally to determine a session identifier. Currently, a session identifier is a hex number of 32 characters (128 bits) and it is generated by md5(uniqid("")) to make it hard to guess.

get_id() may be called with an optional session id to use as a parameter. This is useful if you want to change a session id without breaking the session (taking over an old, left over session).

get_id() can be overwritten by a subclass, if you want a different system to create session ids. For example, some applications want to use a constant session id that is not propagated to the client to use a shared pool of persistent variables (a guestbook for example). These applications need locking (to be implemented soon).


put_id() is used internally to "unuse" a session it. At the moment it deletes the client side cookie.

serialize($prefix, &$str)

serialize() is used internally to append to str all PHP code needed to reconstruct the variable named in prefix.


freeze() serializes all register()ed variables and writes the resulting code into the database, tagged with the current session id and the current session name.


thaw() loads a set of freeze()ed variables for the current session id and session name out of the database and recreates them.


The active_sessions table contains one row for each session. That row is uniquely identified by the sid and name values (name is the name of the session class that has written the row). Each time that row is written, the column changed is updated with the current time.

The gc() function deletes all rows that are older than gc_time minutes and have a matching name field. For speed reasons, gc() is not not called every time an update to active_sessions is being made. Instead it is called randomly with a probability of gc_probability.


Used to implement the three official reimport functions.


Initialization function, to be called after object instantiation. Calls get_id() to get the current session id, creates a database connection, then calls thaw() to load all session variables. Randomly activates gc().


Use a subclass to provide the appropriate parameters to your session. Usually your subclass looks like this:

class My_Session extends Session {
  var $classname = "My_Session"; ## Persistence support
  var $mode      = "cookie";
  var $lifetime  = 0;            ## use session cookies
  ## DB_Sql subclass and database table to use
  var $database_class = "DB_Session";
  var $database_table = "active_sessions";

Remember that you have to provide a DB_Sql subclass with the parameters needed to access your database.

Use the page management functions (see above) to use your session subclass. The feature name for session management is sess; provide the name of your session subclass as a parameter to the sess feature:

  page_open(array("sess" => "My_Session"));

Use the register() instance method to register variables as persistent. If $sess is your session object, use


to make the global variable $s persistent. $s may be a scalar value, an array or an object with persistence support slots.

Do not use the instance methods freeze() and thaw() directly, but use the page management functions instead.

3.4 Auth

Authentication management can be used to authenticate a session, that is, to identify the user at the client side of the session.

Authentication is done inline, with HTML forms, not with HTTP authentication (that's the browser popups you get when you hit a .htaccess protected page). Inline authentication has several advantages over HTTP authentication:

Instance variables

classname Serialization helper: The name of this class.
persistent_slots Serialization helper: The names of all persistent slots.
lifetime Maximum allowed idle time before the authentication expires.
mode Authentication mode: log or reg (see below).
database_class A classname. Auth uses this class to make a database connection.
database_table Database table used to keep the session variables.
magic An arbitrary value used in uniqid generation.
Accessible instance variables.

db Internal: The database connection object instance.
auth Internal: User authentication information, see below.
Internal instance variables.

Instance methods

Accessible instance methods


A function that can be used in auth_loginform()a and auth_registerform. It returns the appropriate "action=" attribute to the form tag.


A function that can be used in auth_loginform()a and auth_registerform. It prints the appropriate "action=" attribute to the form tag.


This function must be overridden by a subclass to Auth. It should output HTML that creates a login screen for the user. We recommend that you use an include() statement to include your HTML file.


This function is called when the user submits the login form created by auth_loginform(). It must validate the user input.

If the user authenticated successfully, it must set up several fields within the $auth[] instance variable:


must contain the user id associated with that user.


must contain the user name as entered by the user.


must not be tampered with (field is maintained by start(), contains the time when the login expires).


if you want to use the permission feature, you must store the permissions of the validated user here.

See the example below for more information.


See auth_doregister().


These functions mirror auth_loginform() and auth_validatelogin() in registration mode.

Internal instance methods


Initialization function, does the authentication. If we are in log (login) mode, auth_loginform() is called to draw a login screen. When the login screen is submitted back, auth_validatelogin() is called to validate the login. If the validation was successful, the actual page content is shown, otherwise we're back at auth_loginform().

In reg mode, auth_registerform() is called to draw a registration form. When the registration form is submitted back, auth_doregister() is called to register the user and to validate the session. If registration was successful, the actual page content is shown, otherwise we're back at auth_registerform().


Use a subclass of Auth to provide parameters for your authentication class and to implement your own auth_* functions.

class My_Auth extends Auth {
  var $classname        = "My_Auth"; # Object serialization support
  var $persistent_slots = "auth";
  ## DB_Sql subclass and database table to use
  var $database_class = "DB_Session";
  var $database_table = "active_sessions";

  ## Some magic value to make our uids harder to guess.
  var $magic = "Abracadabra";

  function auth_loginform() {
    global $sess;
  function auth_validatelogin() {
    global $username, $password;    ## form variables from loginform.html
    ## If authentication fails, loginform.html will
    ## find $this->auth["uname"] set and use it.
    ## Value to return in case auth fails.
    $uid   = false;
    ## Check the database for this user and password pair.
    $query = sprintf("select * from %s where username = '%s' and password = '%s'",
      $this->database_table, $username, $password);
    ## If we found a matching user, grab the uid and permissions...
    while($this->db->next_record()) {
      ## Required.
      $uid = $this->db->Record["uid"];
      ## Optional, for the perm feature.
      $this->auth["perm"] = $this->db->Record["perm"];
    return $uid;

Your loginform.ihtml contains HTML and PHP code to draw a login form. $this->auth["uname"] will be empty on the first login attempt and set on all further login attempts. You can use this to detect repeated login attempts and display an appropriate error message. You must print the result of $this->url() to create your forms action attribute.

See the provided loginform.ihtml for an example.

Use the page management functions (see above) to use your authentication subclass. The feature name for authentication management is auth; provide the name of your Auth subclass as a parameter to the auth feature. The auth feature requires the sess feature:

  page_open(array("sess" => "My_Session", "auth" => "My_Auth"));

3.5 Perm

Permission management relies on an authenticated session. It associates a set of required permissions with a page. The actual page content is only visible to users with ALL matching permissions; all other users are shown a screen of your design.

Instance variables

classname Serialization helper: The name of this class.
permissions A hash of (name, permission bit) pairs.
Accessible instance variables.

Instance methods

Accessible instance methods


Checks that the currently authenticated user has all the rights that are specified in required. If not, perm_invalid() is called.

If one or more of the required rights or user rights are invalid (not to be found in the permissions hash), perm_invalid() is called as well.


Similar to check() in usage, only that it doesn't halt the session if the user doesn't have the appropriate rights: This function returns true, if the user has the required rights, false otherwise.

Internal instance methods


Logically or's all the rights and returns a pair (valid, or_result). If valid is true, an or_result is provided. If valid is false, the or_result is undefined and one or more of the rights do not exist at all. This is a severe error and the application should be halted at once.

perm_invalid($does_have, $must_have)

Called in case of an access violation. does_have is a string listing the rights the user actually has. must_have are the rights the page requires.


Use a subclass of Perm to provide parameters for your permission class and to implement your own perm_invalid function.

class My_Perm extends Perm {
  var $classname = "My_Perm";
  var $permissions = array (
    "user"          => 1,
    "author"        => 2,
    "editor"        => 4,
    "moderator"     => 8,
    "admin"         => 16
  function perm_invalid($does_have, $must_have) {
    global $perm, $auth, $sess;

Use the page management functions (see above) to use your permission subclass. The feature name for permission management is perm; provide the name of your Perm subclass as a parameter to the perm feature. The perm feature requires the sess feature and the auth feature:

  page_open(array("sess" => "My_Session", "auth" => "My_Auth", "perm" => "My_Perm"));

Use the check() instance method to protect your page:

  $perm->check("admin");  ## This page is for users with admin rights only.

3.6 User

The user class is an extension (a subclass) of the Session class. It keeps a list of global variable names and provides a set of functions to load and save these variables from and to a database. The same restrictions as for session variables apply to user variables.

Unlike session variables, user variables are not lost when the user stops and restarts the browser or moves to a different workplace (the session id is then lost and consequently all session variables are lost, since they are bound to the session id).

User variables require instead that the user logs in. A user id becomes then available and the User class binds variables to this user id. A user id is only present for logged in (authenticated) users. Thus, User is dependent on Auth.

The User class is an extension of the Session class. It has all instance variables and instance methods of Session, only that some are implemented different. This documentation only describes these differences.

Note that Session and User can successfully share an active_sessions table in a database due to the different values in the name column.

Instance variables

mode Not meaningful for User.
fallback_mode Not meaningful for User.
lifetime Not meaningful for User; see authentication lifetime in Auth instead..
gc_time Functional, but probably not useful in User.
gc_probability Functional, but should be set to 0 in User.
database_class A classname. User uses this class to make its database connection.
database_table Database table used to keep the user variables.
Accessible instance variables.

pt Internal array of names of persistent variables.
name A tag (name) for the session type.
id Id of the current session.
db Database connection object instance.
Internal instance variables.

Instance methods

Accessible instance methods


Works as exspected.


Works as exspected.


Not useful with User.


Not useful with User.


Not useful with User.


Not useful with User.


Works as exspected.


Works as exspected.


Works as exspected.

Internal instance methods


This is only a stub implementation that depends on the user id provided by the page management functions. The page management functions will use $auth->auth["uid"], which is set up by Auth.


Empty. Not useful with User.

serialize($prefix, &$str)

Works as exspected.


Works as exspected.


Works as exspected.


Works as exspected. You do not want to use it, though.


Works as exspected.


Initialization function, to be called after object instantiation. Calls get_id() to get the current session id, creates a database connection, then calls thaw() to load all session variables. NOTE: gc() activation is commented out! Remove the comments if you really want gc with User variables.


Use a subclass to provide the appropriate parameters to your user variables. Usually your subclass looks like this:

class My_User extends User {
  var $classname = "My_User"; ## Persistence support
  ## DB_Sql subclass and database table to use
  var $database_class = "DB_Session";
  ## We share this table with My_Session - not a problem.
  var $database_table = "active_sessions"; 

Remember that you have to provide a DB_Sql subclass with the parameters needed to access your database.

Use the page management functions (see above) to use your User subclass. The feature name for user variables is user; provide the name of your User subclass as a parameter to the user feature:

  page_open(array("sess" => "My_Session", "auth" => "My_Auth", "user" => "My_User"));

Use the register() instance method to register variables as persistent. If $user is your user object, use


to make the global variable $u persistent. $u may be a scalar value, an array or an object with persistence support slots.

Do not use the instance methods freeze() and thaw() directly, but use the page management functions instead.

3.7 Cart

The Cart class is programmatically independent, but makes sense only if its instances are made persistent in some way. The Cart class automatically registers itself as a session variable.

Cart implements a shopping cart. At the moment, items within the shopping cart are independent of each other; the cart can only hold simple things. Support for compound articles that require other articles to function and provide a base for dependent articles is to be added at a future time.

An example of a simple article is any article with no options, for example an apple or a book. Common examples for compound articles are a pizza (which requires a foundation in either american or italian style, a selection of toppings, and cheese, to function correctly) and a computer system (which requires a housing, a motherboard, RAM, a video card, etc to function correctly).

Instance variables

classname Serialization helper: The name of this class.
persistent_slots Serialization helper: The names of all persistent slots.
item Multidimensional array of items in the cart.
currentItem A counter for item positions.
Accessible instance variables.

Instance methods

Accessible instance methods


Checks that an item with the given article number $art is in the cart. Returns an array of a boolean value and an integer number. If the boolean is true, there are number many articles of that article number in the cart.

add_item($art, $num)

Add $num many articles of article number $art to the current shopping cart. Returns the position number of $art in the shopping cart.


Remove $num many articles of article number $art from the shopping cart, if there are at least that many articles in the cart. Returns the position number of $art in the shopping cart or false, if there weren't enough $art to remove them from the cart. If the function does return false, the cart has not been modified.


Calls show_item_open() once at the beginning of a shopping cart listing. Then calls show_item() once for each item in the shopping cart. Calls show_item_close() once at the end of a shopping cart listing.

show_item($art, $num)

This function should be provided by the user. It renders the HTML to display a single item from the cart. $art is the article number of the item and there are $num of these in the cart.


This function should be provided by the user. It renders the prologue HTML to display a shopping cart listing.


This function should be provided by the user. It renders the epilogue HTML to display a shopping cart listing.


Use a subclass of Cart to provide an implementation of show_item().

class My_Cart extends Cart {
  var $classname = "My_Cart";

  // Look up article numbers...
  var $database_class = "DB_Article";
  var $database_table = "articles";
  var $db;
  var $sum = 0;

  function show_cart_open() {
    printf("<table class=cart_table>\n");
    $this->sum = 0;
  function show_cart_close() {
    printf("That's a total of %s.\n", $this->sum);

  function show_item($art, $num) {
    if (!isset($this->db)) {
      $class    = $this->database_class;
      $this->db = new $class;
    $query = sprintf("select * from %s where artid = '%s'",

    while($this->db->next_record()) {
      printf(" <tr class=cart_row>\n  <td class=cart_cell>%s</td>\n",
      printf("  <td class=cart_cell>%s</td>\n", 
      printf("  <td class=cart_cell>%s</td>\n",
      $rowsum = $num * $this->db->Record["price"];
      $this->sum += $rowsum;
      printf("  <td class=cart_cell>%s</td>\n",
      printf(" </tr>\n");

Use the page management functions (see above) to use your Cart subclass. The feature name for the shopping cart feature is cart; provide the name of your Cart subclass as a parameter to the cart feature. The cart feature requires the sess feature, because it registers itself as a session variable.

  page_open(array("sess" => "My_Session", "cart" => "My_Cart"));

Use add_item() and remove_item to work with your Cart:

  $cart->add_item("101", 2);    ## Add two pieces of "101"
  $cart->remove_item("101", 1); ## Drop one piece of "101"

Use show_all() to display the contents of your cart.

  $cart->show_all();    ## What's in a cart, anyway?

3.8 Table

The Table class is a neat way to format two-dimensional associative arrays of data or the results of a database query into a table. Table and its subclasses allow you to simply pass them either an array or a query result and they spit out the proper HTML for a table containing all the values. Table has some primitive filtering capabilities making it useful even without subclassing, but for the full power of Table you have to write your own subclass.

When used with the check option, it is assumed that the table is part of a HTML FORM element. Code is generated to create an INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX element before each table row. The checkboxes will form an array indexed by row number. The name of the array will whatever you set the check instance variable to.

Exactly one of two types of possible column filtering take place when each table row is generated. If the fields instance variable is set, only the columns keyed by the named fields in that array are shown in that order. That is, if you fill in the fields instance variable with array("a", "c", "e"), only the columns a, c and e become part of the generated table.

If fields has not been set, all data columns are traversed with each() and all columns whose names match the regexp in filter are shown in the table. By default, this regular expression lets through all column names that start with an alphabethic character and continue with either alphanumeric characters or "_" (underscore). This default has been chosen, because the DB_Sql database class uses mysql_fetch_array() internally to get data from the database and this function returns all columns twice with both a numeric index and proper column names. The default filter will make all data show up only once and with proper column names.

A subclass of Table, CSV_Table, is being provided to allow to create CSV representations of your data with minimal effort. CSV (comma separated values) can be imported by MySQLs LOAD DATA INFILE statement and many spreadsheet import functions.

Instance variables

classname Serialization helper: The name of this class.
check If set, the check option is active.
filter A regular expression selecting the columns that are shown.
fields A list of colum names that are shown.
heading A flag; if set, a heading is being created.
Accessible instance variables.

Instance methods

Accessible instance methods

show($ary, $class = "")

Will format and print the twodimensional array (or hash) $ary as a table according to the filtering rules explained above. If $class is set, each HTML element will be tagged as belonging to the named class; this is useful with cascading style sheets.

show_result($db, $class = "")

Will format and print the result set of $db. $db is exspected to be a subclass of DB_Sql that has just been sent a query. Table will grab all available results from the result set of that query by calling $db->next_record() repeatedly and format them into a table.

Internal instance methods

table_open($class = "")

This function can be overridden by a subclass of Table. It is called as the very first step in table creation and should output HTML that opens a table (for example printf("<table%s>\n", $class?" class=$class":"");).


This function can be overridden by a subclass of Table. It is called as the very last step in table creation and should output HTML that closes a table (for example printf("<table>\n");/).

table_row_open($row, $data, $class = "")

This function can be overridden by a subclass of Table. It is called as the very first step in row creation and should output HTML that opens a table row. It is also responsible for the creation of headings in row 0 (must check for $this->heading being set).

$row is the current row number. $data is a hash of column name/value pairs for that row and $class is an optional HTML CSS class name for all generated elements.


This function can be overridden by a subclass of Table. It is called as the very last step in row creation and should output HTML that closes a table row.

table_cell($row, $cell, $key, $val, $class)

This function can be overridden by a subclass of Table. It is called each time a table cell is to be generated.

$row is the current row number, $cell is the current cell number. $key is the current column name, $val is the value of the cell. $class is the HTML CSS class of the element that is to be generated.


Table is not automatically included or prepended into each page. Include the table class into the pages that are to use Table. Then create an instance of Table:

  // Include Table
  // make a Table instance
  $t = new Table;
  // We want table headings to be printed.
  $t->heading = "on";

Now create a twodimensional array or prepare a database query and have table print it.

  // Create a database object
  $db = new DB_Session;
  // create a twodim array called $tab
  $tab = $db->metadata("active_sessions");
  // print that array
  $t->show($tab, "metadata");
  // prepare a database query
  $db->query("select * from active_sessions");
  // print that result
  $t->show_result($db, "data");

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