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Object Orientation




Object Orientation

Introduction: You have probably heard this term tossed around quite a bit. It sounds pretty mysterious and has probably left you with many questions. Well let me tell you a little secret: you have already been doing object oriented programming since you started this book! Objects are basically templates that you manipulate. Every control you put on a form (and, incidently, the form itself) is an object. When you change the place a text box on a form and change one of its properties, what you have actually done is created an instance of the textbox object and changed one of its members.

It is important to realize that you deal with objects every single day. The car you drive is an object. It has properties such as size, shape, color,etc. It also has methods such as accelerate, brake, etc. You don't have to know how a car works, you just have to know how to call its methods. That is how an object works in programming.

Perhaps this example is showing you why object oriented programming is so cool. You can create a text box, manipulate its properties, and utilize its events without having the slightest idea how a text box is made. This is often referred to as the "Black Box" approach. You can utilize the black box without knowing how it works inside. You just have to know what data to feed it.

Before we move forward into showing you how to create your own objects, lets discuss a little object oriented terminology:

OOP: This means object oriented programming.

Instance: This is basically the current incarnation of your objects template. Think of the general object "car" and you own care as a specific instance of the "car" object.

Class: This is a special kind of code module that is used for you to make your own objects.

Encapsulation: This is probably the single most important part of object oriented programming. It basically refers to the fact that an object stores both data and the methods to manipulate that data in the same place.

Inheritance: This refers to the ability to make classes from other classes. This is not available in Visual Basic.

Polymorphism: This refers to the ability to define a new object based on an existing object and then simply alter the new object. This is not available in Visual Basic.

New: This keyword denotes a new instance of an object. For example:

Dim myclass as new originalclass


Lets talk about classes, since that is how you do object oriented programming. A class is a special kind of code module. A class will have certain items. Any subroutines or functions that you add will be your class(objects) methods. Any variables you add will be your class (objects) properties. 

When you first add a class to your project it will have a declarations section and a class section. Under the class section two events are there. One begin intialize and the other terminate. The initialize event is where you place any code that you wish to execute as soon as an instance of the class is created. The terminate event is where you place code when you wish to execute when the class is destroyed. This is a good place to put any "clean up" code. Under the general declarations section you will declare any variables (properties) of your class (object) that you might need. All variables should be declared as private. One of the reasons you use a class is to protect data. The variables can ONLY be accessed via methods(subroutines and functions).

Probably the most common example of using a class is the deck of cards example. I will utilize that example here. Lets say you wanted to create a class that any programmer could use to make a card game program. You would need to be able to create the different cards in the deck and to shuffle the deck. So lets create a class module named DeckofCards. Then we will declare some variables in the declarations section of our class:

Private Deck (0 to 51) as integer 'this way we have a 52 card deck

Private ThisCard as string 'this is to identify a particular card

Private Position as integer 'this will identify where in the deck you are at

Now when we initialize our class we will need to create a deck of cards ranging from 0 to 51 (remember that arrays always start at 0). So lets place this code in our classes initialize event:

Private Sub Class_Initialize ()

Dim I as integer 'used as a loop counter

For I = 0 to 51

Deck(I) = I

Next I

End sub

Now we can create a deck of cards. However, a deck needs to do some things. For these actions, we will add methods to our class. Lets start with allowing our deck to be shuffled:

Public Sub shuffle()

'While all variables (properties) of our class (object) are private (encapsulated) our 'subroutines and functions (methods) must be public or else they cannot be accessed by 'anything outside the class. In other words, our class would do nothing!

Dim x as integer

Dim I as integer

Dim itemp as integer

Dim iPlace as integer 

For I = 0 to 5199 '10 times through the deck

IPlace = I mod 52

X = int(52 * Rnd)

Itemp = deck(iPlace)

Deck(x) = iTemp

Next I

End sub

Now you could also make this sub a function and pass to it an integer which would be the number of times you want to shuffle. 

Now we can shuffle the deck, but its is still a useless class if we cannot get the current card from it.

Public Property Get CurrentCard() as string

ThisCard = CalculateCard(Deck(position))

Current card = thiscard

End property

Now that we can get a card we may want to deal these cards:

Public function DealCards() as string

If position > 51 then imessage = msgbox ("That's the end of the deck",vbokonly,"End of Deck")

Thiscard = calculatecard(deck(position))

Dealcards = thiscard

Position = position + 1

End function

Of course, we will want to add in one more thing. We want to convert the numbers 0 to 51 to particular cards (Such as king of hearts):

Private function calculatecard(x as integer) as string

Dim Suit as integer

Dim Value as integer

Suit = x/13

Select Case Suit

Case 0

Thiscard = "Spades"

Case 1 

Thiscard = "Hearts"

Case 2 

Thiscard = "Clubs"

Case 3

Thiscard = "Diamonds"

End Select

Value = x Mod 13

Select Case value

Case 0

Thiscard = " The Ace of " & thiscard"

Case 1 to 9

Thiscard = str$(Value +1) & " of " & thiscard

Case 10

Thiscard = " The Jack of " & thiscard

Case 11

Thiscard = " The Queen of " & thiscard

Case 12

Thiscard = " The King of " & thiscard

End select

Calculatecard = thiscard

End function

Now you have a fully functioning deck of cards class! You can create an instance of it at any point in your code with a line such as:

Dim mydeck as new deckofcards

This object variable "deckofcards" is called an instance of the class "mydeck".

Then you can access any of its methods (i.e. functions and subroutines) in the same way you access the properties and events of any other control/object:



Notice that this is exactly the same as how you address the property of a control. That is because the property of a control is actually a method of that control class!

While this particular class did not use all the methods a class might use here is a list of those methods and what they are used for:

Let The property let would be used to change a property (variable) to a standard value (integer,string,etc). In our deckofcards example this was unneccessary since you would not want to change a cards value from outside the class.

Get The get procedure is used when you want to get the value of a property (variable). For example if you wish to get the value of a card in our deckofcards example you can call the class and its get method: get current card: Mydeck.getcurrentcard*

Set The property set is very much like the property let, but is used with object variables.

*note the getcurrentcard method calls several internal methods within the class, however a programmer need not even know how those work in order to utilize the deckofcards class. He or she only needs to know what method of the class to call to get a card


Collections are basically object oriented arrays. Visual Basic has several built in collections. The forms collection contains a reference to all the form in a project and the controls collection contains a reference to all the controls on a given form. For example, if you wanted to disable all the text boxes on a given form you could use the controls collection like this:

Private sub disable_text()

Dim I as integer 'used as a counter

Dim c as control 'use c as the generic control object

For each c in controls

If typeof c is textbox then

c.enabled = false

end if

next c

You can also create your own collections simply dimension a collection variable then add stuff to it:

Dim myCollection as new collection

Now add stuff to your collection using the add method

Mycollection.add somevariable

Now you may ask why use a collection instead of an array. Well that is a good question, the answer is that a collection is far more flexible. In an array all the elements must be of a single data type. You can have an array of integer, and array of strings, an array of doubles, but you cannot have a single array that contains more than one type of variable. A collection can contain diverse types of variables! Let's look at another example.

Dim empcollection as new collection

Let sName = "Employee Name"

Let iNum = 3848457

Let sPhone = "1-555-555-5555

Empcollection.add sName

Empcollection.add iNum

Empcollection.add sPhone

This added flexibility makes the collection a far better alternative to the array. In the real world, it is often necessary to use several different data types. In my personal programming, I now only use arrays with controls, in code I use only collections.

Destroy Your Objects:

It is a good idea to destroy all objects before you exit a program. If you do not then they are still floating around in memory. For example if you used:

Dim myclass as new deckofcards

Then you must have

Set myclass = nothing

The same is true with collections. The nothing Keyword will cause the new instance of the object to be destroyed. 


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