Visual Basic Online
by John Rodriguez (
November, 1995


Declarations and Constants:

Type HostDataType
    sName As String * 64
    sIPAddr As String * 15
    lTTL As Long
End Type

Type MXRecordType
    uHostInfo As HostDataType
    iMXPrec As Integer
End Type

Type NSRecordType
    uHostInfo As HostDataType
    bTried As Integer
End Type

Type OtherRecordType
    uHostInfo As HostDataType
    sExtra As String * 64
End Type

Type SearchType
    sQHostID As String * 64     'Query Host ID
    sDNSaddr As String * 15     'DNS IP Address
    iRType As Integer           'RR Type
End Type

Global gUDPBuffer$              'Buffer for the UDP control

Dim mauMXRecords() As MXRecordType
Dim mauNSRecords() As NSRecordType
Dim mauHostRecords() As HostDataType

Global Const DNS_ERR_OK = -1
Global Const DNS_ERR_NORECORDS = 0
Global Const DNS_ERR_TIMEOUT = 1
Global Const DNS_ERR_OTHER = 3


Function GetHostLabel (psDataGram$, piStartPnt%, psLabel$) As Integer

Dim sLabel$, iDone%, iLabelCnt%, iCurPos%, iLabelPtr%, iInPtr%

'psDataGram$ is the DataGram
'piStartPnt% is the Starting Point in the DataGram, is updated after processing

iCurPos% = piStartPnt%
'This is for our pointer in the datagram which can be moved due to compression...
iLabelCnt% = piStartPnt%

iDone% = False
While Not iDone%
    'Get the count of our label
    iLabelPtr% = Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iLabelCnt%, 1))
    'Is it 0?
    If iLabelPtr% = 0 Then
        'Yes, if we arent in a pointed to label then increment our rRecord pointer
        'to point to one past this label
        If Not iInPtr% Then iCurPos% = iLabelCnt% + 1
        'We're done...
        iDone% = True
        'Is this a pointer?
        If (iLabelPtr% And 192) = 192 Then
            'Yes, so set our inpointer flag
            If Not iInPtr% Then
                iInPtr% = True
                iCurPos% = iLabelCnt% + 2
            End If
            'If we have part of a label, append a dot
            'Our pointer can only point to null terminated labels so
            'our datagram pointer for the next field is 2 bytes past this pointer
            'Now set our pointer to the place where the rest of the label is
            iLabelCnt% = ((iLabelPtr% And 63) * 256) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iLabelCnt% + 1, 1)) + 1
            'Is this count below 64 characters
            If iLabelPtr% < 65 Then
                'If we already have a part of the label then add a dot
                If sLabel$ <> "" Then sLabel$ = sLabel$ + "."
                'add the characters into the field
                sLabel$ = sLabel$ + Mid$(psDataGram$, iLabelCnt% + 1, iLabelPtr%)
                'Increment our pointer by the number of characters we read...
                iLabelCnt% = iLabelCnt% + iLabelPtr% + 1
                'An error because we have more characters than we are supposed to
                'have for this label.. (64 characters)
                GetHostLabel = DNS_ERR_OTHER
                Exit Function
            End If
        End If
    End If

piStartPnt% = iCurPos%
psLabel$ = sLabel$
GetHostLabel = True

End Function

Function GetHostsFromDNS (ctrlUDP As Control, ByVal piRecType%, ByVal psHostID$, pasDNSHost$(), 
pauHostInfo() As OtherRecordType) As Integer

' This function retrieves the DNS records for the data I request based on the
' Type of records that I want...

Dim iNSCnt%, iMXCnt%, iCnt%, iHostCnt%, iRecCnt%, iSuc%
Dim uSearch As SearchType

On Local Error Resume Next

'Load up our DNS records...
iNSCnt% = UBound(pasDNSHost$)

If iNSCnt% = 0 Then
    Exit Function
End If

'Set up the name server array...
Erase mauNSRecords
ReDim mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%)
For iCnt% = 1 To iNSCnt%
    mauNSRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr = pasDNSHost$(iCnt%)

Erase mauMXRecords
Erase mauHostRecords

'Now let's do the lookup search, set our search options..
uSearch.sQHostID = LCase$(psHostID$)
uSearch.iRType = piRecType% And 255
iNSCnt% = 1

    'Place a DNS host in our search
    uSearch.sDNSaddr = mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr
    'Remark out this line in your application unless you wish
    'to use this functionality.
    PostStatusMessage "Searching from [" + RTrim$(mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr) + "] 
    for host: " + RTrim$(psHostID$)
    'Get DNS Records
    iSuc% = SearchDNS(ctrlUDP, uSearch)
    If iSuc% = DNS_ERR_OK Then
        Select Case piRecType%
            Case 1, 12
                iHostCnt% = UBound(mauHostRecords)
                ReDim pauHostInfo(iHostCnt%)
                If iHostCnt% > 0 Then
                    'Ok, now we need to return the host info back to the array...
                    For iCnt% = 1 To iHostCnt%
                        pauHostInfo(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sName = mauHostRecords(iCnt%).sName
                        pauHostInfo(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr = mauHostRecords(iCnt%).sIPAddr
                        pauHostInfo(iCnt%).uHostInfo.lTTL = mauHostRecords(iCnt%).lTTL
                    Exit Do
                    Erase mauHostRecords
                End If
            Case 15
                iMXCnt% = UBound(mauMXRecords)
                If iMXCnt% > 0 Then
                    ReDim pauHostInfo(iMXCnt%)
                    For iCnt% = 1 To iMXCnt%
                        pauHostInfo(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sName = mauMXRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sName
                        pauHostInfo(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr = mauMXRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr
                        pauHostInfo(iCnt%).uHostInfo.lTTL = mauMXRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.lTTL
                        pauHostInfo(iCnt%).sExtra = Trim$(Str$(mauMXRecords(iCnt%).iMXPrec%))
                    Exit Do
                    Erase mauMXRecords
                End If
        End Select
        Select Case iSuc%
            Case DNS_ERR_TIMEOUT
                PostStatusMessage "Timeout waiting for packet response from [" + RTrim$
                (mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr) + "]"
            Case DNS_ERR_NORECORDS
                PostStatusMessage "No Records from [" + RTrim$(mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%).uHostInfo.
                sIPAddr) + "]"
            Case DNS_ERR_OTHER
                PostStatusMessage "Bad packet response from [" + RTrim$(mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%)
                .uHostInfo.sIPAddr) + "]"
        End Select
    End If
    iNSCnt% = iNSCnt% + 1
    'If we don't have any left, then exit
    If iNSCnt% > UBound(mauNSRecords) Then Exit Do

'Returns the count of the records in the array back to the user..
iRecCnt% = UBound(pauHostInfo)
If iRecCnt% > 0 Then GetHostsFromDNS = True

End Function

Function GetQRdata (psDataGram$, puQData As HostDataType, piDGPos%) As Integer

Dim icp%, iLabelCnt%, iDone%, sQName$

'First get the label information
icp% = piDGPos%

'We aren't done
iDone% = False
While Not iDone%
    iLabelCnt% = Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, icp%, 1))
    If iLabelCnt% = 0 Then
        icp% = icp% + 1
        iDone% = True
        'Add a period to the end of the
        If sQName$ <> "" Then sQName$ = sQName$ + "."
        'add the characters into the field
        sQName$ = sQName$ + Mid$(psDataGram$, icp% + 1, iLabelCnt%)
        icp% = icp% + iLabelCnt% + 1
    End If

'We can add four to the count since we have passes the QRData.

icp% = icp% + 4
piDGPos% = icp%
puQData.sName = sQName$
puQData.sIPAddr = " "
GetQRdata = True

End Function

Function GetRRData (psDataGram$, piDGPos%) As Integer

Dim sLabel$, iRType%, iGotOne%, iClass%, lTTL&, sRData$, sHostName$
Dim iCurPos%, iRDLen%, iCnt%, sPrec$, lTL1&, lTL2&, iGotIt%, sThisIP$
Dim iHostCnt%, iMXCnt%, iNSCnt%, iSuc%

On Local Error Resume Next

iHostCnt% = UBound(mauHostRecords)
iMXCnt% = UBound(mauMXRecords)
iNSCnt% = UBound(mauNSRecords)

'First get the label information - isn't important unless it is a Type A Record...
'in which we match it up with record information already in the system...
'We need this as a temporary pointer and we modify it at the end
iCurPos% = piDGPos%

'Now go after the label for this record
iSuc% = GetHostLabel(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, sLabel$)
If iSuc% <> DNS_ERR_OK Then
    GetRRData = iSuc%
    Exit Function
End If

'Now we need to check the type of the record
iRType% = (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, 1)) * 256) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos% + 1, 1))
'Move us over two places
iCurPos% = iCurPos% + 2

'Get the class
iClass% = (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, 1)) * 256) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos% + 1, 1))
'Move us over two more places
iCurPos% = iCurPos% + 2

'Get the Time to Live of the record
lTTL& = ((Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, 1)) * 256&) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos% + 1, 1))) * 65536
lTTL& = lTTL& + (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos% + 2, 1)) * 256&) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos% + 3, 1))
'Now move over four places...
iCurPos% = iCurPos% + 4

' Grab the length of the RData field
iRDLen% = (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, 1)) * 256&) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos% + 1, 1))

'Go past the RData length
iCurPos% = iCurPos% + 2

'Now get the RData itself for processing...
sRData$ = Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, iRDLen%)

'Now that we have the information set our pointer past the rData so that we can process this
Select Case iRType%
    Case 1
        'This is an A type record which means we have a host address for a record and
        'we need to marry it up with the record that pertains to it..
        'So first, we need to find the record
        If Len(sRData$) = 4 Then
            sThisIP$ = Trim$(Str$(Asc(Mid$(sRData$, 1, 1)))) + "."
            sThisIP$ = sThisIP$ + Trim$(Str$(Asc(Mid$(sRData$, 2, 1)))) + "."
            sThisIP$ = sThisIP$ + Trim$(Str$(Asc(Mid$(sRData$, 3, 1)))) + "."
            sThisIP$ = sThisIP$ + Trim$(Str$(Asc(Mid$(sRData$, 4, 1))))
            'Check Name Servers....
            For iCnt% = 1 To iNSCnt%
                If LCase$(RTrim$(mauNSRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sName)) = LCase$(sLabel$) Then
                    If RTrim$(mauNSRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr) = "" Then
                        iGotOne% = iCnt%
                        Exit For
                    End If
                End If
            If iGotOne% <> 0 Then
                mauNSRecords(iGotOne%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr = sThisIP$
                'If we don't have a name server host, then check the MX records for
                'this record.
                For iCnt% = 1 To iMXCnt%
                    If LCase$(RTrim$(mauMXRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sName)) = LCase$(sLabel$) Then
                        If RTrim$(mauMXRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr) = "" Then
                            iGotOne% = iCnt%
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    End If
                If iGotOne% <> 0 Then
                    'Since we got one, add the IP address to the record
                    mauMXRecords(iGotOne%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr = sThisIP$
                    'If we don't have a host, then check the other records for
                    'this record.
                    For iCnt% = 1 To iHostCnt%
                        If LCase$(RTrim$(mauHostRecords(iCnt%).sName)) = LCase$(sLabel$) Then
                            If RTrim$(mauHostRecords(iCnt%).sIPAddr) = "" Then
                                iGotOne% = iCnt%
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        End If
                    If iGotOne% <> 0 Then
                        'Since we got one, add the IP address to the record
                        mauHostRecords(iGotOne%).sIPAddr = sThisIP$
                        'If we don't have a host for this IP address, then
                        'use the label sent with the record and use this
                        'IP address for the record and add to the host list
                        If iHostCnt% = 0 Then
                            iHostCnt% = iHostCnt% + 1
                            ReDim Preserve mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%)
                            mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%).sName = sLabel$
                            mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%).sIPAddr = sThisIP$
                            mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%).lTTL = lTTL&
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            iCurPos% = iCurPos% + iRDLen%
            GetRRData = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
    Case 2
        'This is a name server that we add to the list of information...
        'The name server adds a name to the entry
        iSuc% = GetHostLabel(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, sHostName$)
        If iSuc% = DNS_ERR_OK Then
            iGotIt% = False
            For iCnt% = 1 To iNSCnt%
                If LCase$(RTrim$(mauNSRecords(iCnt%).uHostInfo.sName)) = LCase$(sHostName$) Then
                    iGotIt% = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            If Not iGotIt% Then
                'We need to add one to the record type
                iNSCnt% = iNSCnt% + 1
                ReDim Preserve mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%)
                mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%).uHostInfo.sName = sHostName$
                mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr = " "
                mauNSRecords(iNSCnt%).uHostInfo.lTTL = lTTL&
            End If
            GetRRData = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
    Case 5, 12
        iSuc% = GetHostLabel(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, sHostName$)
        If iSuc% = DNS_ERR_OK Then
            iGotIt% = False
            For iCnt% = 1 To iHostCnt%
                If LCase$(RTrim$(mauHostRecords(iCnt%).sName)) = LCase$(sHostName$) Then
                    iGotIt% = True
                    Exit For
                End If
            If Not iGotIt% Then
                iHostCnt% = iHostCnt% + 1
                ReDim Preserve mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%)
                mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%).sName = sHostName$
                mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%).sIPAddr = " "
                mauHostRecords(iHostCnt%).lTTL = lTTL&
            End If
            GetRRData = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
    Case 15
        'This is an MX record and so we need to indicate this...
        sPrec$ = Mid$(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, 2)
        iCurPos% = iCurPos% + 2
        iSuc% = GetHostLabel(psDataGram$, iCurPos%, sHostName$)
        If iSuc% = DNS_ERR_OK Then
            'We need to add one to the record type
            iMXCnt% = iMXCnt% + 1
            ReDim Preserve mauMXRecords(iMXCnt%)
            mauMXRecords(iMXCnt%).uHostInfo.sName = sHostName$
            mauMXRecords(iMXCnt%).uHostInfo.sIPAddr = " "
            mauMXRecords(iMXCnt%).uHostInfo.lTTL = lTTL&
            mauMXRecords(iMXCnt%).iMXPrec = (Asc(Left$(sPrec$, 1)) * 256) + Asc(Right$(sPrec$, 1))
            GetRRData = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
End Select

piDGPos% = iCurPos%

GetRRData = True

End Function

Function ParseDataGram (psDataGram$, piRecType%) As Integer

'This procedure parses the datagram into its component parts

Dim iQdCount%, iAnCount%, iNsCount%, iArCount%
Dim iDone%, iCurPnt%, iLabelCnt%, sTemp$, iLabelpnt%
Dim iCnt%, iSuc%
Dim uQHostRecord() As HostDataType

iQdCount% = (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 5, 1)) * 256) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 6, 1))
iAnCount% = (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 7, 1)) * 256) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 8, 1))
iNsCount% = (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 9, 1)) * 256) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 10, 1))
iArCount% = (Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 11, 1)) * 256) + Asc(Mid$(psDataGram$, 12, 1))

iCurPnt% = 13

If iQdCount% > 0 Then
    'Let's get the question data from each record...
    For iCnt% = 1 To iQdCount%
        ReDim Preserve uQHostRecord(iCnt%)
        If Not GetQRdata(psDataGram$, uQHostRecord(iCnt%), iCurPnt%) Then
            ParseDataGram = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
End If

'Now get the Answer Data...

If iAnCount% > 0 Then
    For iCnt% = 1 To iAnCount%
        If Not GetRRData(psDataGram$, iCurPnt%) Then
            ParseDataGram = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
End If

If iNsCount% > 0 Then
    For iCnt% = 1 To iNsCount%
        If Not GetRRData(psDataGram$, iCurPnt%) Then
            ParseDataGram = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
End If

If iArCount% > 0 Then
    For iCnt% = 1 To iArCount%
        If Not GetRRData(psDataGram$, iCurPnt%) Then
            ParseDataGram = DNS_ERR_OTHER
            Exit Function
        End If
End If

ParseDataGram = DNS_ERR_OK

End Function

Function SearchDNS (ctrlUDP As Control, search As SearchType) As Integer

Dim sLabels$(), iLblCnt%
Dim sdatagram$
Dim iDot%, done%, lTimeOut&, suc%, iCnt%
Dim xTries%, sMsgType$
Dim sID$, sHostID$

'Let's get the host ID information..
sHostID$ = RTrim$(search.sQHostID)

'Create Datagram ... does recursion by default...
sdatagram$ = Chr$(1) + String$(2, 0) + Chr$(1) + String$(6, 0)

'Ok, now parse the host information...
While InStr(sHostID$, ".") > 0
    iDot% = InStr(sHostID$, ".")
    iLblCnt% = iLblCnt% + 1
    ReDim Preserve sLabels(iLblCnt%)
    sLabels(iLblCnt%) = Left$(sHostID$, iDot% - 1)
    sHostID$ = Mid$(sHostID$, iDot% + 1)
If Len(sHostID$) > 0 Then
    iLblCnt% = iLblCnt% + 1
    ReDim Preserve sLabels(iLblCnt%)
    sLabels(iLblCnt%) = sHostID$
End If

'Now prep the host string for use in the search...
Select Case search.iRType
    Case 12
        If Not (iLblCnt% > 0 And iLblCnt% < 5) Then Exit Function
        For iCnt% = iLblCnt% To 1 Step -1
            sdatagram$ = sdatagram$ + Chr$(Len(sLabels(iCnt%))) + sLabels(iCnt%)
        sdatagram$ = sdatagram$ + Chr$(7) + "IN-ADDR" + Chr$(4) + "ARPA"
    Case Else
        For iCnt% = 1 To iLblCnt%
            sdatagram$ = sdatagram$ + Chr$(Len(sLabels(iCnt%))) + sLabels(iCnt%)
End Select

sdatagram$ = sdatagram$ + Chr$(0)
sdatagram$ = sdatagram$ + Chr$(0) + Chr$(search.iRType) + Chr$(0) + Chr$(1)
'Datagram is completed

sID$ = Chr$(Int(Rnd * 255)) + Chr$(Int(Rnd * 255))
Err = 0

ctrlUDP.RemoteHost = RTrim$(search.sDNSaddr)
ctrlUDP.RemotePort = 53
'ctrlUDP.LocalPort = 53
ctrlUDP.Active = True
ctrlUDP.DataToSend = sID$ + sdatagram$
If Err <> 0 Then Exit Function
lTimeOut& = glTicks& + 10
gUDPBuffer$ = "  "
While Not Left$(gUDPBuffer$, 2) = sID$
    If glTicks& > lTimeOut& Then
        SearchDNS = DNS_ERR_TIMEOUT
        Exit Function
    End If

ctrlUDP.Active = False
If RTrim$(gUDPBuffer$) <> "" Then
    If ((Asc(Mid$(gUDPBuffer$, 3, 1)) And 128) <> 128) And ((Asc(Mid$(gUDPBuffer$, 4, 1)) 
        And 15) <> 0) Then
        SearchDNS = DNS_ERR_OTHER
        Exit Function
    End If
    sdatagram$ = gUDPBuffer$
    If ParseDataGram(sdatagram$, search.iRType) = DNS_ERR_OK Then
        If search.iRType = 15 Then SortMXRecords
        SearchDNS = True
    End If
End If

End Function

Sub SortMXRecords ()

Dim TempRec As MXRecordType
Dim iRecCnt%, bFlip%, iCnt%

On Local Error Resume Next

'Get the array count
iRecCnt% = UBound(mauMXRecords)

'If we don't have at least two, then it does us no good
If iRecCnt% < 2 Then Exit Sub

'Set our flip to force the loop
bFlip% = True

While bFlip%
    'Ok, now reset the flip for the comparison
    bFlip% = False
    'Loop through the records
    For iCnt% = 1 To iRecCnt% - 1
        'If this records MX Prec is greater than the next...
        If mauMXRecords(iCnt%).iMXPrec > mauMXRecords(iCnt% + 1).iMXPrec Then
            'Copy the next record's data into the temp record
            TempRec = mauMXRecords(iCnt% + 1)
            'Copy this record into the next record
            mauMXRecords(iCnt% + 1) = mauMXRecords(iCnt%)
            'Copy the temp record into this record
            mauMXRecords(iCnt%) = TempRec
            'Now Set our flip to true
            bFlip% = True
        End If
    'Do it again

'We're done!

End Sub

A Final Note:

If you download the project file, there is code in there that comes from my personal library file. You are free to use it for anything that you wish. You may or may not find anything of use, then again, you may. I am submitting this code for the public domain. As such, I make no warranty, implied or explicit, as the reliability, usability, or correctness of the code. I am also not liable for any damage that is caused by your use of the code. All risk is assumed by the user.

The UDPPORT.VBX is made by DevSoft, Inc. You can register the UDPPORT.VBX on CompuServe's Shareware Registration forum, or by calling PSL. The nag screens that appear are because you do not have a license file and I am not providing mine because I am not selling the product . While the program will work correctly with the nag screens, for $25.00 you can get a royalty-free license. The capabilities of the UDPPORT.VBX and all of DevSoft's products make that $25.00 investment an excellent decision on your part!

VBCTL3D.VBX is made by Simplex Solutions. You can register this control on CompuServe's Shareware Registration forum. The control provides 3D appearances to controls and forms. Also included is a file called VBEXIT3D.EXE which is a file that does a clean removal of the VBX in design mode. You do not need it for the finished EXE - it's just used in the design mode.

Send e-mail to me at

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